Windows Defender

i am an antivirus that blocks viruses
level 22
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Joined May 2022
Likes 0
Time 13h 14m 13s
Pages 1133
Domains 162
Total distance scrolled 455 meters
Total trackers seen 1993
Most trackers seen on one page 10
monster Battled a level 15 Phone Services monster
# Personal Finance
2 years
monster Battled a level 13 Phone Services monster
# Personal Finance
2 years
monster Battled a level 13 Social Networking monster
# Technology & Computing
2 years
monster Battled a level 17 Console Games monster
# Video Gaming
2 years
badge Earned a level 1 Big Clicker badge
2 years
consumable Found a Dont be evil cake
2 years

Consumable icon Consumables 141

Tally icon Attacks 12

Product Marketing Categories 29

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Consumer Electronics Animation Movies Console Games Education Search Social Networking Smart Home Bars & Restaurants Smartphones Internet of Things Jazz Theater Mobile Games Dining Out Barbecues and Grilling Travel Locations
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