Monster icon Leaderboard

Monsters / Advertising Categories in the Game
Illustration | Animation by: Owen Keefer

Digital Arts Monster cp:205

IAB Content Taxonomy ID: 205
Advertising keywords: digital, digital art, art, wacom, tablet, drawing, stylus, adobe, adobe suite, photoshop, illustrator, photo, photos, stock, inspiration, vector, vectors, creative, license, design
Accuracy 0.75
Attack 0.59
Defense 0.79
Health 0.89
Stamina 0.93
rank player joined captured missed player level total clicks XP
💥 missingseller16 Mar 2024 8 0 26 1848 19230
2 LTWguylol. Oct 2022 6 1 27 4766 21898
3 leekyueun123 Nov 2022 6 3 23 1981 13499
4 thoughtlessweb67 Nov 2023 6 0 34 4077 40988
5 LilyTheLegendary Aug 2021 5 13 66 119420 297294
6 scaryweb14 May 2021 5 0 34 11411 42601
7 sensitivebattery36 Mar 2021 4 0 13 170 2028
8 mobiletester72 Apr 2022 4 0 30 2502 27670
9 physicalbattery00 May 2023 4 0 16 599 4231
10 ambitiousreader33 Mar 2021 3 0 24 3392 13374
11 EvolvedWillosaur42 May 2021 3 0 50 60169 131434
12 kattei May 2022 3 0 20 2547 8267
13 sleepingamerlol123 Sep 2022 3 0 34 8114 41503
14 dependentcharger37 Nov 2022 3 0 17 1542 4917
15 monsterhunter10 Oct 2022 3 0 41 22322 71596
16 absentvalue57 Oct 2023 3 1 27 6186 21948
17 legalcircuit23 Mar 2022 2 1 20 119 7869
18 nursingplug43 Jun 2022 2 0 31 2175 31403
19 Xx_luna_xX Aug 2022 2 1 14 789 3039
20 Bảo mập béo Oct 2022 2 0 32 4997 34643
21 thoughtfultyper71 Jan 2023 2 1 19 1560 7170
22 TADC2024 Mar 2023 2 0 28 7793 23142
23 Leo1337 Mar 2023 2 0 25 4082 16872
24 sorrydatabase85 Mar 2023 2 0 21 2219 9687
25 DIOBRANDOISTHEGOAT May 2023 2 0 15 1307 3938
26 Mintorie Nov 2022 2 0 21 2609 10165
27 fondbattery20 Jul 2023 2 0 31 10795 30071
28 desirabledatabase13 Sep 2023 2 0 16 1765 4831
29 surprisingcircuit45 Oct 2023 2 0 16 1218 4878
30 functionaltablet80 Oct 2023 2 0 11 387 1727
31 absentwebcam58 Nov 2023 2 4 13 640 2328
32 relaxedcookie30 Apr 2024 2 0 20 1047 9025
33 superbbrand21 Sep 2020 1 0 9 359 847
34 isolatedlaptop74 Nov 2020 1 1 23 4298 12073
35 fiscalresearch06 Jan 2021 1 5 28 8721 24167
36 grandmegabyte54 Jan 2021 1 0 25 3921 15555
37 centralcookie82 Mar 2021 1 0 5 35 149
38 littlevalue62 Jul 2020 1 0 27 6921 19440
39 patchworkpasserby Feb 2022 1 0 14 1073 3235
40 Windows Defender May 2022 1 0 22 1774 11228
41 considerablecache41 Aug 2022 1 1 24 5697 14305
42 itsmoon Aug 2022 1 0 22 5521 11189
43 Wikipongnong Sep 2022 1 0 16 861 4607
44 nursingcloud72 Aug 2022 1 0 18 301 6801
45 Wikitonglong Oct 2022 1 0 36 9553 47651
46 additionalbrand54 Oct 2022 1 0 17 1512 4936
47 battboxx Nov 2022 1 0 22 2954 11186
48 adequateplug70 Oct 2022 1 0 28 2600 22098
49 exceptionallaptop28 Nov 2022 1 0 8 144 688
50 ridiculouscontent33 Nov 2022 1 0 14 720 3280
51 happyreader17 Jan 2023 1 0 40 20612 65445
52 tastelessresearch77 Feb 2023 1 0 14 733 3226
53 implicitdisk86 Feb 2023 1 1 25 6010 17360
54 professionalattachment28 Mar 2023 1 0 12 166 2150
55 hissingtyper33 Apr 2023 1 1 21 2211 9697
56 fewrom43 Apr 2023 1 0 16 1237 4360
57 angrycloud28 May 2023 1 0 16 1970 4890
58 GoreHunter May 2023 1 0 11 389 1509
59 Aloha! Jun 2023 1 0 15 938 4040
60 miniaturehacker76 Jun 2023 1 0 32 10466 33588
61 inclineddatabase00 May 2023 1 1 21 1450 10088
62 shiveringdeveloper55 Aug 2023 1 0 10 269 1111
63 nervousprinter41 Mar 2023 1 0 20 3718 8144
64 tightapp51 Oct 2023 1 0 9 193 767
65 FoxPrime Oct 2023 1 0 11 309 1571
66 atomicceo53 Oct 2023 1 0 13 161 2201
67 dustee Oct 2023 1 0 15 847 3765
68 associatedlaptop00 Oct 2023 1 0 16 1145 4865
69 presidentialreader78 Oct 2023 1 0 9 309 839
70 horizontalseller71 Oct 2023 1 0 16 1399 4707
71 psychologicalceo01 Dec 2023 1 0 5 60 212
72 exclusivedata01 Dec 2023 1 0 15 477 3959
73 concernedmodem56 Nov 2023 1 0 16 2128 4770
74 happycat Nov 2023 1 0 22 1397 11021
75 globalbrand35 Dec 2023 1 0 11 88 1434
76 precioustyper06 Dec 2023 1 0 21 579 10203
77 Raito (BCWO) Jan 2024 1 2 23 1942 13778
78 quietdongle32 Feb 2024 1 0 15 1011 3891
79 immensecloud58 Feb 2024 1 0 26 7063 18541
80 BinaryBattery01 Mar 2024 1 0 19 2316 7154
81 temporaryweb27 May 2024 1 0 15 1426 3664
82 cognitivedeveloper76 Sep 2018 0 3 37 28014 51422
83 scaredkeyboard13 Jan 2021 0 1 15 1121 3635
84 deepresearch28 Jan 2021 0 1 14 970 2946
85 chocoholicpanda Feb 2021 0 2 21 6791 9830
86 agreeablesmartphone27 Feb 2021 0 1 8 194 456
87 agreeablecamera43 May 2021 0 2 7 258 312
88 ivankaivanka Oct 2021 0 1 26 7405 17855
89 0_BLU3_R0Y4L5_0 Nov 2021 0 1 23 6726 12399
90 bumpycookie57 Nov 2021 0 1 12 754 1986
91 freshplug27 Feb 2022 0 1 11 761 1697
92 Limeonade Apr 2022 0 1 3 45 55
93 sorryvirus74 Apr 2022 0 2 8 140 608
94 SharingOreo2343 Apr 2022 0 1 14 898 3340
95 unexpectedcontent00 May 2022 0 1 31 10904 30538
96 corvus May 2022 0 1 16 1823 4181
97 defensiveweb22 Jun 2022 0 1 6 186 290
98 funnyvirus13 Jul 2022 0 1 5 74 200
99 amogus1987 Aug 2022 0 1 10 542 1130
100 distinctsmartphone32 Aug 2022 0 1 14 1201 3131
101 rarematiasgtp2039 Aug 2022 0 2 15 1304 4052
102 TheAlmightyJuan Aug 2022 0 1 16 2136 4860
103 n Nov 2022 0 1 7 52 488
104 yesbutno123 Nov 2022 0 1 7 99 395
105 burningdata22 Nov 2022 0 1 6 20 232
106 urbanprotocol83 Jan 2023 0 1 6 43 295
107 Akuis0v0 Oct 2022 0 1 21 3065 9967
108 deepseller23 Jan 2023 0 1 13 1387 2739
109 remarkablehacker40 Feb 2023 0 2 16 1367 4811
110 ꧁⬤neDr🐉gon꧂ Dec 2022 0 1 25 5909 16059
111 BeeLord Feb 2023 0 1 8 91 601
112 sacredproperty05 Feb 2023 0 1 11 521 1617
113 instantseller38 Feb 2023 0 1 44 46776 87032
114 condemnedweb11 Mar 2023 0 1 19 1790 7966
115 visitingprinter75 Jan 2023 0 1 11 397 1697
116 crayzy69 Dec 2022 0 1 16 1584 4790
117 rattybrand67 Oct 2023 0 1 23 5130 12739
118 gigantictyper51 Oct 2023 0 1 31 9833 29813
119 Ellies Oct 2023 0 1 16 883 4525
120 stickycloud41 Oct 2023 0 1 20 3000 9031
121 overseasinterface80 Oct 2023 0 1 9 309 905
122 crucialdatabase17 Nov 2023 0 1 9 250 818
123 absentengineer37 Nov 2023 0 1 23 2154 12946
124 easternadministrator65 Dec 2023 0 1 5 69 141
125 statisticalwebcam87 Nov 2023 0 1 27 3700 21154
126 dyingcharger53 Jan 2024 0 1 5 92 192
127 visualmouse17 Feb 2024 0 1 3 22 38
128 potentialtablet47 Apr 2024 0 1 5 61 157
129 splendidspeakers16 Dec 2022 0 1 27 9550 19690


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# Technology & Computing
11 hours
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11 hours
missingseller16 monster Defeated a level 13 Fiction monster
# Books and Literature
11 hours
missingseller16 tracker Blocked a tracker from
# FingerprintingGeneral
11 hours
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11 hours
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13 hours
bitterdeveloper06 badge Earned a level 6 FOMO badge
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preciousplug87 consumable Found some Junk data
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a day
walter420 consumable Found a Third party cookie
a day
walter420 consumable Found a Disrupting potion
a day
sonarstarz disguise Earned a Pink carnival mask disguise
icon-disguise-mask mask
a day
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