Monster icon Leaderboard

Monsters / Advertising Categories in the Game
Illustration | Animation by: Chloe Pitkoff

Consumer Electronics Monster cp:632

IAB Content Taxonomy ID: 632
Advertising keywords: mouse, electronics, computer, peripheral, technology, device, secure, digital
Accuracy 0.68
Attack 0.55
Defense 0.81
Health 0.93
Stamina 0.87
rank player joined captured missed player level total clicks XP
💥 leekyueun123 Nov 2022 10 0 23 1981 13499
2 adequateplug70 Oct 2022 5 0 28 2600 22098
3 sensitivebattery36 Mar 2021 3 0 13 170 2028
4 happyreader17 Jan 2023 2 0 41 22562 69609
5 EvolvedWillosaur42 May 2021 2 0 51 64422 140591
6 dustee Oct 2023 2 0 15 847 3765
7 monsterhunter10 Oct 2022 2 0 41 22322 71596
8 Bảo mập béo Oct 2022 2 0 32 4997 34643
9 mobiletester72 Apr 2022 2 0 30 2502 27670
10 absentwebcam58 Nov 2023 2 3 13 640 2328
11 considerablecache41 Aug 2022 2 1 24 5898 14594
12 absentvalue57 Oct 2023 2 0 27 6186 21948
13 professionalbyte70 Aug 2023 1 0 17 1125 5053
14 grandmegabyte54 Jan 2021 1 0 25 3921 15555
15 anxiousimage52 Oct 2022 1 0 18 1082 5988
16 RickAstley1234 Sep 2023 1 0 12 497 1957
17 crucialdatabase17 Nov 2023 1 0 9 250 818
18 horizontalseller71 Oct 2023 1 0 16 1399 4707
19 absentengineer37 Nov 2023 1 0 23 2154 12946
20 thoughtlessweb67 Nov 2023 1 0 34 4120 41063
21 sleepyemail66 Dec 2023 1 0 27 1587 21095
22 fantastickeyword55 Nov 2023 1 0 31 8400 31886
23 blushingwebsite66 Feb 2024 1 0 26 3693 18047
24 relaxedcookie30 Apr 2024 1 0 20 1083 9073
25 implicitdisk86 Feb 2023 1 0 25 6010 17360
26 foolishoperator08 Oct 2020 1 0 26 7409 18651
27 remarkablehacker40 Feb 2023 1 0 16 1367 4811
28 sleepingamerlol123 Sep 2022 1 0 34 8114 41503
29 boilingwebcam22 Oct 2022 1 0 16 867 4813
30 Xx_luna_xX Aug 2022 1 0 14 789 3039
31 ytbtally May 2022 1 0 12 312 1784
32 Windows Defender May 2022 1 0 22 1774 11228
33 plasticfirewall53 Apr 2022 1 0 20 3350 9154
34 universalresearch56 Apr 2022 1 0 20 1438 9062
35 plasticmouse36 Apr 2022 1 0 14 343 3311
36 preciousplug87 Aug 2023 0 1 48 55738 111978
37 fiscalresearch06 Jan 2021 0 5 28 8721 24167
38 CookieSmaug Apr 2021 0 1 32 14978 35150
39 Human-Sheep-008 Jan 2024 0 1 27 7657 19781
40 freshplug27 Feb 2022 0 1 11 761 1697
41 happycat Nov 2023 0 1 22 1397 11021
42 amogus1987 Aug 2022 0 1 10 542 1130
43 atomicceo53 Oct 2023 0 1 13 161 2201
44 primitivelaptop12 Mar 2023 0 1 14 1361 3245
45 walter420 Jun 2023 0 1 32 16316 34661


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comparableadministrator82 attack Earned a CryptoSlam attack
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thoughtlessweb67 consumable Found some Corrupted data
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arsenic attack Earned a Triangulate attack
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arsenic attack Earned a IdentityTheft attack
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arsenic attack Earned a PacketLoss attack
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arsenic attack Earned a Overcompress attack
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arsenic attack Earned a OMGDDOS attack
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arsenic attack Earned a MegaByte attack
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BuzzyBee101(Sigma_=MALE=_Bee) consumable Found some 5g boots
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extraordinaryproperty80 consumable Found a Design pattern
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