Tally was conceived in 2010 during a DAAD fellowship in Berlin, Germany. After many experimental versions, the final project was produced by Sneakaway Studio (Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy) and launched officially in 2021. This work would not be possible without significant contributions from the several institutions below, especially Davidson College where we were given financial support and curricular flexibility to mix in the next generation’s ideas about data privacy. Read on for individual project credits.
Project Leads
Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy
Scott Bailey, Tucker Craig, Joseph Dasilva, Walt Gurley, Brady Logan, Owen Mundy, Ryan Strauss, Zhiqian Wang, Ted Yoo, Jason Zheng
Tucker Craig, Joelle Dietrick, Miguel Donado, Brady Logan, Owen Mundy, Ted Yoo
Mike Bauman, Berry Boeckman, Jake Carver , Lauren Crane, John Crawford, Joelle Dietrick, Miguel Donado, Katie Im, Owen Keefer, Mila Loneman, Gretta Louw, Jared McElveen, Owen Mundy, Tony Nguyen, Lindsey Owen, Adelle Patten, Coco Peng, Chloe Pitkoff, Rebecca Strawn, Izzy Swearingen, Allyson Taylor, Lauren Wolfe
Bayne Brannen, Camden Bertucci, Joelle Dietrick, Katie Im, Gretta Louw, Sarah Suttner, Claire Thompson
Nick Boyd, Lauren Crane, Joelle Dietrick, Gretta Louw, Sarah Suttner
Project Management
Nick Boyd, Joelle Dietrick, Katie Im, Claire Thompson
Sound & Video
Bayne Brannen, Jake Carver, Joelle Dietrick, Richard Farrell, Siân Lewis, Drew Keefer, Owen Keefer, Owen Mundy, Ryan Strauss
Testing & Game Design
Mike Bauman, Camden Bertucci, Rebecca Cobo, Joelle Dietrick, Owen Keefer, Daniel Lammens, Owen Mundy
Early Prototypes
Conner Hill, Bree VanOss, Owen Mundy
Institutional Support
NCSU Library's Immersive Scholar program
UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity
Resilient Networks to Support Inclusive Digital Humanities / Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
North Carolina Arts Council
Digital Studies at Davidson College
Jay Hurt Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Davidson College
Art Center Nabi
Locust Projects
Fulbright Scholar Program
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Special Thanks
Julie Goff, Lauren Klein, Fuji Lozada, Nick Merrill, Hannah Rainey, Mark Sample, Micah Vandegrift, Tom Wazlavek
We owe a big thank you to the maintainers of the tracker services list at Disconnect, without which the problem of identifying trackers would have been inconceivable.
Tally game and character ©
Sneakaway Studio
Art, sound, and other media ©
Sneakaway Studio and individual creators
Game extension source code MIT License