Monster icon Leaderboard

64–80 of 163 Monsters / Advertising Categories in the Game
College Education
Captured 34
Missed 28
Captured 32
Missed 5
Crime and Mystery Movies
Captured 32
Missed 11
Captured 32
Missed 14
Musical Instruments
Captured 32
Missed 6
Personal Investing
Captured 32
Missed 7
Captured 31
Missed 8
Horror Movies
Captured 31
Missed 12
Cameras and Camcorders
Captured 31
Missed 6
Public Radio
Captured 30
Missed 24
Desserts and Baking
Captured 30
Missed 8
Construction Industry
Captured 29
Missed 9
Alternative Music
Captured 29
Missed 5
Captured 28
Missed 20
Captured 28
Missed 10
Healthy Cooking and Eating
Captured 28
Missed 8
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