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Monsters / Advertising Categories in the Game
Illustration | Animation by: Owen Keefer

Lung and Respiratory Health Monster cp:300

IAB Content Taxonomy ID: 300
Advertising keywords: lung, lungs, breathing, respiratory, smoking, coughing, cough, alveoli
Accuracy 0.95
Attack 0.49
Defense 0.58
Health 0.95
Stamina 0.75
rank player joined captured missed player level total clicks XP
💥 Bảo mập béo Oct 2022 1 0 32 4997 34643
2 associatedlaptop00 Oct 2023 1 0 16 1145 4865
3 happycat Nov 2023 1 0 22 1397 11021
4 universalresearch56 Apr 2022 0 1 20 1438 9062
5 numerousdata25 May 2023 0 2 14 697 2829


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